Visual Dare – Bells in Rain

My first contribution to Angela Goff’s Visual Dare flash fiction challenge.


I’ll always remember the bells.

Small bells, tinkling in the morning breeze, just outside the door.

I remember the rainy morning you put them up, standing on your tiptoes in a white chemise.

It’s been a month now and the DA just called to tell me he’s going to seek the death penalty. I feel bad for him. He really believes it helps.

He hangs up and sets justice in motion.

I hang up and relive the whole bag of horrors.


The bells ring in the wind, marking another empty day of a life without you in it.

Posted on August 6, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. This is great, so moving. You will have to do more Visual Dares now 🙂


  2. WOW. I am so glad you participated, Jess – this is wonderful! Powerful, aching, moving. And in so few words. Lovely, lovely work.


  3. Jeff, such a good response to this visual dare and very moving.


  4. Rainy day, tiptoes and white chemise form the loveliest mental picture … such a beautiful piece!


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